Stubborn excess fat is something that we are all looking to get rid of. Though we try exercise regimens and fad diets, this type of fat just doesn’t go away. Traditional liposuction can be intimidating and can involve long recovery times. We offer a state-of-the-art minimally invasive procedure to sculpt away this excess fat: VASER ultrasonic liposuction.

VaserLipo is helpful for removing large or small amounts of unwanted fat from a variety of areas of the body. It can even suction fat from several areas during the course of one treatment session. If a patient has excess fat in their arms, buttocks, knees, back, chin, abdomen, thighs, ankles, hips, neck, calves, or breasts (male or female), this procedure is an ideal solution.


Men tend to accumulate fat in areas such as the abdomen, arms, and the breasts. Gynecomastia or enlargement of breast tissue in men is a really distressing aesthetic concern. Without having to spend countless hours in the gym, men can now achieve better muscle definition in their abs, arms, legs, and chest. High definition liposuction is an effective aesthetic procedure that brings about a slim, athletic and muscular appearance. Dr. Lebowitz combines his gynecomastia procedure with Hi-Def VaserLipo for men to achieve a more targeted and well-defined result.

The advantages of 4D High Definition liposuction is it creates the illusion of tight muscle definition for patients who lead a healthy athletic lifestyle, but have difficulty is getting rid of that thin layer of fat. The patient has the choice of regions and how defined they would like their muscles to show.

While traditional lipo may create certain skin irregularities, VASERlipo is instead a tissue-selective treatment. This means that it can specifically focus on fat cells, and the surrounding tissues – blood vessels, connective tissue, nerves, etc. – are kept safe. With proper technique, 4D High Definition liposuction will tighten skin in those specific areas so that you achieve the end result you are looking for.


Only one treatment will be necessary to achieve the results that patients desire. Patients can expect the VASERlipo procedure to take one hour or more to complete. The exact amount of time it will take will be impacted by the number and size of regions being reduced in volume.

First, a tumescent saline solution is injected into the underlying fat layer of the targeted area. Along with numbing the region for the duration of the procedure, this solution reduces the blood vessels in size in order to lessen bleeding during this treatment.

Tiny incisions are used in the targeted areas. Dr. Lebowitz will insert a VASERlipo probe, which applies ultrasound energy to the stubborn fat cells. This shakes the cells free, and they separate into the tumescent solution. The fat cells are then taken out of the body using a tool known as a cannula, a thin tube that creates gentle suction.

After treatment, patients enjoy contours that are in better proportion to the rest of their body, along with nicely defined muscles and smoother skin in the treated area. VASERlipo provides even, natural-looking results that patients can be proud of.


Once your VASERlipo procedure is complete, you will need to wear supportive compression garments over the treated areas. The skin retracts during recovery, and these garments aid in the process to ensure that the skin shrinks down to properly and naturally fit the reduced volume of the area.

Following the treatment, the patient should stay away from any sort of physically taxing activities, such as sports and heavy exercise regimens. After four weeks, an exercise regimen can be commenced.

You will see results in the treated regions as soon as the procedure is over, and these results will get even better over the course of the next three to four months. For optimal results and a quicker recovery time, massage therapy is crucial.


VASERlipo is available from the office of Dr. Lebowitz. Contact us today to arrange an appointment for an informative consultation.

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